Page 1 - College Boot Camp #11 Assesssment
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               #11– HANDLING STRESS

               Client’s Name: _______________________                Today’s Date: _________________
               Case Manager: _______________________

               Assessment Checklist
                   Check the box for each of the following knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs) the client has
                   successfully demonstrated.

                   From Pamphlet:                                Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:

                     Explain what stress is.                      Recognizing the stress of academic pressure.
                             ©2018 Learnovation®, LLC
                     Explain what causes stress.                  Recognizing the stress of social pressure.
                     Describe different ways to handle stress.     Recognizing the stress of self-management.
                     Identify common causes of stress in college.     Identify strategies for identifying stressors.
                     Explain when to seek professional help to     List the four A’s of stress management.
                       handle stress.                              Explain how stress can be helpful.

               Skill Level Assessment

                   Directions: Circle the appropriate column to indicate what skill level the client has reached.
                                 Awareness (A)         Practicing (P)         Mastery (M)
                                “Trying this skill”   “Practicing this skill”   “Expert at this skill”
                                           For Evaluation Only
                                                  Skill List                                    Skill Level
               From Pamphlet:
               Identify if they are feeling stress                                               A / P / M
               Identify what is causing their stress                                             A / P / M
               List goals to reduce stress                                                       A / P / M
                Additional Content in Instructor’s Manual:
                Identify possible college stressors encountered in college                       A / P / M
                Identify possible college strategies for dealing with stress in college          A / P / M
                Identify triggers and solutions to specific stressful situations on campus       A / P / M

               I, _________________________ have completed all necessary reading and exercises related to
               the College Boot Camp pamphlet, Handling Stress. The case manager and I have reviewed all
               the above items that required discussion.

               _____________________________                         ___________________________
                                             Client’s Signature                                  Case Manager’s Signature

               CBC11 – Handling Stress                                                   College Boot Camp
               ©2018 Learnovation®, LLC