Closing Your Career GAP

Getting to Your Dream Job Starting Now





ID Current Skills

Identify and quantify your current skills

Compare Skills to a Target Job

Look at your skills compared to the skills needed for a target job

Get Your Prescription

Identify your GAP in experiences, education, and skills needed

Take Charge of Your Career

Make choices in employment, education, community service to reach your goals

Explore Your Potential & Start The Journey To Your Dream Life

Define Your Vision—Identify Your Dream Job

Every successful journey starts with a destination. Use the Career Gap Rx guidance to identify your dream job and make a commitment to it. Learn how successful people set goals, identify requirements and avoid the time traps that can derail people on a career path.

Readjust Your Beliefs—Inventory Your Skills

What you believe—you achieve.  Take a look at your skills by inventorying your education, work experiences, activities/community service and credentials.  You already have more to work with than you realize!

Discovery what’s Missing—Close Your Career GAP

Use expert guidance to identify your key skills, experiences and minimal education you need to thrive within your Dream Job. Don’t get lost in the day-to-day grind– energize your life and refine your focus as you complete the requirements for your Dream Job.

Keep your Focus—Work Your Plan

Live your life while holding your focus on getting your Dream Job through achieving mini targets.  Reach your full potential and avoid getting sidetracked.  Now Work Your Plan—for the great life with your Dream Job.

Ready to Learn More?