Required Texts:

  • Dietetic Bundle Pack -Hard copy or Dietetic Bundle e-versions
    • Designed to help you pull together your many skills and competencies, these innovative, easy-to-read guidebooks provides detailed instructions for planning, assembling, and using a personal Career Portfolio for a dietetic internship or job search. They show you how to tie together and “package” your work experiences, projects, professional development, and personal experiences to help you “sell yourself” in the job market.

Dietetic Book Bundle – Paperback Format

Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.
The Career Portfolio Workbook for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.

Designed to help you pull together your many skills and competencies, these innovative, easy-to-read guidebooks provides detailed instructions for planning, assembling, and using a personal Career Portfolio for a dietetic internship or job search. They show you how to tie together and “package” your work experiences, projects, professional development, and personal experiences to help you “sell yourself” in the job market.

The Career Portfolio is a process and a structured document that is designed to give an employer proof of your skills and abilities. The practice of collecting work samples and identifying the skills employers want will help you identify your transferable skills. It also helps you see how each of your skills can be helpful in a new setting.

Work samples are the core part of a career portfolio. These samples are documents that prove you have the skills and abilities you claim. But before you can identify appropriate work samples you must explore and audit your skills. Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Students, 2nd Ed., and The Career Portfolio Workbook for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.  will help you identify and plan out work samples for potential use in your career portfolio and get keep you on track to compete for dietetic internships and the best jobs in your profession.

Dietetic Book Bundle - Electronic Format

eBook: Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.
Fillable PDF: The Career Portfolio Workbook for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.

Designed to help you pull together your many skills and competencies, these innovative, easy-to-read guidebooks provides detailed instructions for planning, assembling, and using a personal Career Portfolio for a dietetic internship or job search. They show you how to tie together and "package" your work experiences, projects, professional development, and personal experiences to help you "sell yourself" in the job market.

The Career Portfolio is a process and a structured document that is designed to give an employer proof of your skills and abilities. The practice of collecting work samples and identifying the skills employers want will help you identify your transferable skills. It also helps you see how each of your skills can be helpful in a new setting.

Work samples are the core part of a career portfolio. These samples are documents that prove you have the skills and abilities you claim. But before you can identify appropriate work samples you must explore and audit your skills. Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Students, 2nd Ed., and The Career Portfolio Workbook for Dietitians, 2nd Ed.  will help you identify and plan out work samples for potential use in your career portfolio and get keep you on track to compete for dietetic internships and the best jobs in your profession.

The ebook is available in Kindle or ePub format. The downloadable PDF lets you enter information into the workbook directly into the file, then send specific pages to your instructor for assignments.

2022 ACEND Standards & Career Portfolios - PDF

2022 ACEND Standards & Career Portfolios - PDF

Identify the skills and abilities you are developing in your current program by knowing the 2022 ACEND Standards.


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